Monday, January 19, 2009

The Vintage look in Photoshop

  1. Select your image. Try to find a standard-quality picture, that's not either very small or very big.
  2. Open your image in Photoshop. If you have a problem with low picture quality, then consult the "Improving the Image Quality" section below to improve the quality before adding the vintage effect. If the picture is high quality, proceed to the next step.
  3. Duplicate your image and again go to Blending Options. Choose Overlay or Soft Light, according to your preferences. If your image is a light one, it's better to keep it in low opacity such as 40%.
  4. Go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Selective Color.
  5. Input these numbers in the following order:
    • Reds:+67, -48, -26, +31
    • Cyans: +29
    • Whites: 0, -45, +18, +8
    • Neutrals: +59, -11, -27, +15
    • Blacks: +51, +25, +23, -12
  6. Make a new layer (Ctrl+shift+n).Go to Edit>Fill and fill it with #1200ff or any rich blue color.This will fill your whole image with this colour but don't panic.Your image is not gone!
  7. Right click your new layer and select again Blending Options. Set it to "Exclusion" and Opacity at 20-25%.
  8. Add another layer and fill it again in this color: 8581b6. Go to Blending Options and select Color Dodge and set the Opacity to 25-30%.

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