Friday, December 22, 2006

Cher père Noël

Cher père Noël,

Il y a environ dix ans que je ne crois pas en toi mais il y a des moments où l’on est prêt à tenter n’importe quoi. Ces derniers mois étaient tellement sévères et stressants pour moi que la moindre pensée sur Noël me rend heureuse comme une fille de quatre ans. C’est stupide. Je le sais. Mais il n’y a rien à perdre quand même !

Donc, en ce qui concerne ma commande, je voudrais que quand tu descendras du ciel tu m’apporteras avec toi sur ton traîneau. Puis laisse-moi tomber dans quelque village alpin pendant ton retour au pôle Nord. Quant je serais tranquille là-bas ! Entourée de nature, montagnes, vaches, chèvres…éloignée de personnes égoïstes, dominantes, menteuses…c’est mon paradis terrestre !

Mais soyons un peu réalistes ! Pour que je ne t’inquiète pas trop, je te demande seulement de m’apporter une jolie voiture ; pas très chère mais fiable. Je la mérite je crois. Je fais toujours mes devoirs et je ne dispute jamais avec mes frères ! Tu sais mon papa Noël préféré, même si tu ne m’apporteras rien, je me sens déjà mieux de confier mes vœux avec toi et cela suffit pour moi.

Je te promets de préparer des biscuits et quelques gâteaux quand même ! Une bouteille de whisky t’attendrait aussi près de cheminée. Je te fais de gros bisous enneigés !

Friday, December 15, 2006

How to put together a cheese plate

  1. Have a theme. Actually, there is no hard and fast rule about a theme, but it sure makes it easier for cheese novices to choose from the dozens, if not hundreds, of cheeses available at the cheese counter. Country, milk type, texture, producer, cheese type, rind, matching a wine you are serving – all of these are potential themes for a plate. Alternately, a non-theme will work too. Picking one cheese each from the category of milk types –sheep, goat, cow – can create a cheese plate with textural, flavor, and visual variety. If you are totally lost, ask your friendly cheesemonger for advice – that’s what they are there for!
  2. Keep your numbers odd. Cheese plates should have an odd number of cheeses – 3, 5, 7, etc. – rather than even. This is a guideline; you could serve 4 or 6 if you like, but the balance of odd numbers is visually pleasing and is reflected in other arts, particularly Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arrangement.

  3. Arrange your cheeses from mildest to strongest if you are serving cheese as a course. Lay out your cheeses with your mildest cheese at twelve o’clock on the plate, and place the rest of the cheeses – mildest to strongest – clockwise, down and around. Your mildest cheese will end up next to your strongest cheese, if you have a sizable cheese plate. Blues are almost always the strongest cheeses on the plate, followed by washed rind cheeses.
  4. Add accompaniments. Other foods can intensify and even change the flavor of cheese. Serve cheeses with a variety of accompaniments like toasted nuts, quince paste (membrillo), slices of pear or apple, dried fruits, wine jelly, Italian mostarda, fig cake, or date cake (and any number of other treats available today). Crackers are good if they are to be used as a palate cleanser, but bread is far more interesting as a vehicle for cheese. Try a bread with nuts and fruits, like a pecan-raisin loaf or cranberry-walnut bread.
  5. Pick a drink to go with it. Water is nice, but wine is finer. If you are serving cheese at the end of the meal, the last wine you serve with the entrée can be served with dessert if you don’t want to fuss too much. You can also choose a wine to pair with your cheese course, if you really want to create a dazzler (ask your cheesemonger for advice if you have a broad range of cheeses). With strong blues, nothing beats dessert wines like Port, Tawny Port, Muscat, late harvest Zin, Sauternes, etc. Milder cheeses can be overwhelmed by syrupy dessert wines, so avoid them if you are not serving strong cheeses.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Le peul

C'est un langage francophone parlé en Afrique de l’Ouest {à partir du Sénégal au
Cameroun et au Soudan}.

Malgré son status francophonique. cette langue n’a rien à faire avec le français. C’est assez de noter qu’ on appelle un chien, un rawaandu.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Le théâtre contemporain français

Le théâtre est un art qui a pour but la représentation d’une suite d’événements devant un public où des êtres humains agissent et parlent. Les premières formes de théâtre avaient lieu en Grèce. Puis, d’autre artistes autour du monde étaient inspirés de ces innovateurs et voilà donc le théâtre partout. Dans chaque pays, cet art est enrichi par des caractéristiques indigènes et on peut ainsi parler de théâtre anglais, allemand, français et tout le reste.

En ce qui concerne le théâtre français, ce sont des auteurs comme Molière et Corneille qui brillent. Cependant, beaucoup d’autres génies ont donné leur participation au fil des siècles pour réaliser ce qu’on appelle aujourd’hui le théâtre moderne. C’est justement dans la période de l’après-guerre que le théâtre est rendu autonome pour la première fois avec la fondation du Centre dramatique de l’Est. L’écriture prédominante est celle de la mort et de la peur où l’Histoire se pose des questions de liberté et où la politique s’arrête devant des problèmes de conscience et de morale. Ici, des auteurs comme Jean-Paul Sartres, Albert Camus et Henry de Montherlant triomphent avec leurs pieces Huis Clos, Caligula, et Port-Royal.

Puis dans les années cinquante, on connaît une révolution dramaturgique dans la langue théâtrale. Les auteurs de l’époque; Beckett, Adamov, Ioneco parmi eux, étaient sévèrement critiqués par Le Figaro commes des idiots et monotones. Cela ne vaut plus aujourd’hui où ce théâtre est tellement connu, joué, étudié et célébré. Au contraire, les années soixante porte avec elles une crise d’identité pour les écrivains. Le public préfère assister aux pièces classiques qu’aux celles des nouveux metteurs en scène dont il ne sait rien. On donne plus d’imporantce au spectacle qu’à la pièce. Donc beaucoup d’auteurs, comme Jean Vauthier, Jean Andureau, et René Kalisky, ont continué leur travail loin des salles des théâtres.

Heureusement, dans les années soixante-dix et quatre-vingt on retourne dans un âge où le metteur en scène regagne son caractère. Il devient roi, parfois même un tyran qui commande à tous; acteurs, auteurs et décorateurs. On voit ici l’introduction des médias dans le secteur théâtral et des metteurs en scène comme Adrien, Brook et Chéreau deviennent des vedettes.

Plus récemment, dans les années quatre-vingt dix et le nouveau millénaire, l’auteur est à la fête. Cela est souligné par exemple par la croissance remarquable de la plus jeune des maisons d’édition, Les Solitaires Intempestifs, consacrée aux textes de théâtre d’auteurs contemporains. De plus, des festivals (le Mousson d’été de Michel Dydim) et des revues (Alternatives théâtrales) dediés à la scène, connaissent un grand succès. On peut noter aussi des nouveaux formes de théâtre comme le théâtre de rue, le nouveau cirque, le dadaïsme et le surréalisme, avec des artistes comme Jean-Luc Courcoult et Bartabas le maestro du cirque Zingaro.

Pendant les années, le théâtre a toujours resté un lieu vivant et communautaire malgré des changements exigés par la réalité du moment. Le théâtre contemporain parle du monde et comme il va et tent de faire un pont avec ses origines. La question du rapport de la vie de l’individu à l’histoire des hommes reste au centre de cette écriture théâtrale comme elle l’a toujours été.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Soon on the roads

I would like to inform the general public that as from next Tuesday I will be on the roads. I therefore, will not assume any responsiblity for potential damages as everyone is now advised to get off the roads as much as possible for the rest of one's life!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

New Oxford Dictionary

University: a system/place where the staff knows absolutely nothing about the system/place

Maltese bookshops: an outlet where there's a 99% chance that you don't find the book you are looking for and where if you decide to order that book you must spend the rest of your lifetime waiting for it

Monday, September 25, 2006

Dear Nannu

I hope you get well soon although I know it would take a very long time. Let patience be with those who will be taking care of you if fate is kind enough to let you survive your misadventure and also with those currently curing you at the hospital. You are a much loved person not only by your family but also others who have met you at some point in their life. Thanks for everything you've been and done for us and I can assure you that you'll never be erased from our hearts and minds.

My hope is still strong nann,
Love you

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Visit to Comino

One evening, we decided that we were not doing enough activities and excursions. Therefore, we decided that a trekking session in Comino would be a start. There we went last weekend, 5 of us, with backpacks, walking shoes and other camping gear. After we disembarked the boat we headed towards St. Mary's bay (we are not the type that stand a lot of people around like the hassle there is at the Blue Lagoon). After about 30 minutes walking in the heat we were tired to death (and then we say we want to ascend the Kilimanjaro...we need much more intensive training my dears!) Thank god we had arrived at the desired bay and could refresh ourselves in a quite chilly water.

There we encountered quite a peculiar old couple. They had quite a big boat which was anchored a few meters from the shore. Then they mounted another boat, a small one this time, and rowed towards the shore. The woman got her feet in the water, walked a bit around, mounted the boat again and rowed back to the big boat. What the hell man? 2 boats just to dip your feet in the water for 5 minutes. That boat is a waste in hands like these. It should have a better owner...let's say me :)

Anyways, after a "light" snack we thought it better to find a quiet shady place. Well, Comino isn't known for shelters like these is it? The only location that we had to content ourselves with was the church with its walls protecting us from sunlight. A mass was taking place but we didnt bother that much and sat there. We were behaving well at first (to respect the church going people) but as time went by and bottles of beer were getting emptied there was no such thing as respect on anybody's mind. Soon enough our normal attitude was taking over and farts and swearing was what one could have heard (and smell!) We spent the whole day there, playing cards, eating, drinking, gossiping... Until 6 o'clock when another mass started and another took place immediately after :( I assisted to 3 masses in 1 day...enough to last a life time. But actually, I confirmed my beliefs. I dont know why some people go to church. There was this particular woman who was looking at us as if we had killed her mother when she saw us on the doorstep drinking beer. Then as soon as she got inside she kept staring at what was happening outside. you call people like this devoted christians? I dont!

The plans were to sleep there also but then the wind got stonger and we decided to pull our tents. It also saved us from waking up at 6am when the church bells start calling the so-called-devoted for the early mass. All in all we had a good time although trekking and swimming were not a priority contrary to what was supposed. But perhaps...was it a first sign of inclination towards church and its community?

I doubt it.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Lost in St. Luke's

Yesterday I had to pay a visit to a relative who very unfortunately found himself on a bed at St. Luke's hospital. And when I said "I had", I really had. Hospitals are anything but my place. As soon as I make the first step inside I start imagining myself entering into a strange world. My mood changes all of a sudden...I cannot help feeling sad and sorry for those poor patients on their beds. For me it seems as if they are all in a long queue waiting for their death. And then you see doctors, nurses and other staff passing by smiling and chatting as if nothing is going on...I admire them actually because I'm not at all capable of acting "normal" inside that building. Perhaps some here know much better than me how to deal with it ;)

In fact, when we got near my cousin's bed, I didnt even pronounce one single word. I kept staring at him, making things even worse. I had 10 thousand words what to say to him but I just couldnt. Obviously, I hadnt the courage to ask him what resulted from the tests and what's to proceed neither. But thank god there was mum with me (who is much a better speaker than I am) and a television (at least I could pretend that I'm watching tv). But visiting F was only a small part of the visit to my dear Luke, because the majority of the time was spent treasure-hunting.

Well that's what I think those who saw us thought! There's not a room in St. Luke's which I didnt pay a visit to yesterday. We knew that F was a patient in a particular hall so we didnt ask at the reception. We checked the sings at the entrance and headed as directed. But to our great disbelief the hall had another name. We asked the staff several times and were sent to different places none of which mathced our target. We also asked some passers by but to no avail. We also met some others who were looking for the same room but who did not succeed either. We returned to the reception for better results (we hoped) but still the information was not correct. But at least the nurse at the desk of this section knew that recently some halls changed their location and we were finally sent to our destination.

Phew! That was one horrible hour knowing how I am with hospitals :S But anyways, that's history now. All I hope for now is for my dear coz to feel better because he didnt look that good to me yesterday :(

Monday, September 04, 2006

In loss of proctection

ι\'м ¢яуιиg ιиѕι∂є αи∂ иσ σиє киσωѕ ιт вυт мє

Friday, September 01, 2006

Regno delle anime

I used to love cartoons as a kid...well everybody does I think. Lately, my friend sent me this link and I found myself lost in this world of fantasy once again. Memories from the past keep coming back with each cartoon character and phrases like "those were the days" couldn't but be expressed. But anyways, thanks to sites like this one, such thought-free moments can be re-enjoyed. This time with a bigger smile on your face as you get to remember you as a little child on your grandma's sofa being forcefully fed by your aunt as you are alienated watching your favourite cartoon hehe

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Damned by Septembers

Today I came to the conclusion that September should be banned from my calendar. Listen to this:

September 2004: chickenpox
September 2005: high temperature & big infection in throats
Eve of September 2006: big pain in the neck

Dear pain-in-the-ass- of- September, leave me fuckin alone!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Back from Gozo

As the tradition goes, on the last week of August me and my friends parted for a weekend in a Gozitan farmhouse. We hired the same farmh0use in which we went last year and to no surprise it still many essentials missing. Then why did we hire it again? Because it has a massive pool which is the main attraction for us. However we will be changing the place next year becasue we couldnt take the recklessness of the owners any longer. We did revenge however. Our actions consisted mainly of smashing an egg on the TV (NB: showing only one channel), throwing rubbish after the TV set and scrathcing the floor by means of a wooden bench. Dont call us vandals...just defenders of our rights.

Leaving the above aside, the rest was simply unforgettable! Whole days were spent in the pool; swimming and playing strange games which only my more imaginative friends can ever come up with. The cherry on the cake was the last night and the morning after. M suggested to prepare a syncronized-swimming coreography for the night. We took this extremely seriously and were busily painting our faces with very pleasant make-up ( tridx tmur kemm kien pleasant!) Mine consisted of black eye-shadow which went up almost to my brain, 2 flaming red cheeks - redder than those of a clown, dark lipstick which disformed the shape of my lips, and a fake beauty spot down my chin (anyone interested in me?) :P After all was set, we headed for the pool area where Y agreed to film our much precious show. Well, the show was marvelous...I'm still surprised that I'm alive after swallowing a gallon of chlorine because I just couldnt stop laughing. The morning after was celebrated by putting all types of chairs, glasses and snack packets into the pool as we swore to destroy the house to pieces.

I promised you that adult acts were going to take place...and they did! Apart from those private acts which remained private, some private acts, in reality turned out to be public. I cant count the times I found myself undressed out of my bikini or trying to put someonelse out of their swimsuits. These activities were girls only although things got worse as time passed by. But I must admit...this was not the first time I swimmed naked and I confirmed the I love that sensation!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What a bunch of friends!!

Last weekend my other half and me together with another couple decided to go to Gozo to assist the drowning of the 2 boats in Ix-Xatt l-Ahmar. Althought the boats wouldnt sink no matter what was applied to them, in the end it was all worth it. It was spectacular after all and we really got some colour after 6/7 hours in direct sunlight!

The most interesting part however includes the activities of the night. From the very first night it showed that the other couple (which are 2 of our best friends) were very wildly having sex. The sound from their bed suggested that the poor thing was going to break down at any moment. I didnt mind it at all, in fact I couldnt stop laughing at the thought of it. The next morning I immediately remarked this fact to the couple in question and the girl seemed to point her finger at our upstairs neighbours at all costs. But believe me the sound was so near that if it was our neighborus making those sounds, they must have somehow having sex right outside our door!

These remarks and other such comments lasted for the whole weekend. Back to Malta we met our naturally spontaneous friend who put the cherry on the cake with her tales of how she and her bf were going to be caught having sex and their bizarre places where to have sex. These ranged from bed side tables to industrial estates! Of course, the advantages and disadvantages of each & every position and place had to be mentioned. Then all the couples joined in, each relating their shameful experiences and how they managed to get out of them.

The discussion went into such detail that at one point we found ourselves analyzing if we moan during sex and in which circumstances. Our already mentioned friend then passed on to discuss up to which stage one's dick has to be in your mouth before you feel like vomitting. This same person then suggested that we must take part in a competion while in Gozo again for our next weekend in Gozo in 2 weeks time. Cameras are going to be installed in each room and the couple with the best blow job wins a holiday abroad (well I'm training hard for this one lol!).

Oh god, never in my life did I went into such discussions with friends.
NB: the place where we were discussing this was very public. We were in a restaurant by the sea where most of the people come from the same villages that we come from. We are usually very loud speakers and as a results most of the tables around us were empty after a few minutes!
Veru hamallagni at its best!! (But I must admit that it was fun lol)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Israel - Lebanon

The supposed more civilized country is the author of the following massacres:

A kid trying to comfort his mother, who was injured in an Israeli missile strike on their vehicle, killing three and injuring 16.

A huge plume of smoke billows over the town of Khiam, in southern Lebanon, after it was targeted by Israeli air raids.

Wrecked apartment buildings are seen from the bombed bedroom of a flat in the southern suburbs of Beirut

Three brothers were among the injured in an Israeli missile attack on the southern village of Srifa in Lebanon.

A collapsed apartment building in the southern suburbs of Beirut following Israeli air strikes.

These are a few mild photographs of what is going on i.e. civilians getting robbed up of their serenity if not of their lives which they have a right to.

Are these the people that we should bomb?
Are we so sure they mean us harm?
Is this our pleasure, punishment or crime?
Is this a mountain that we really want to climb?

I think we should revise the meaning of the word "civilized" because it has lost its sense.

America & all those helping the Israelit Government: please hear us when we call:

You got hip-hop, be-bop, hustle and bustle
You got Atticus Finch
You got Jane Russell
You got freedom of speech
You got great beaches, wildernesses and malls
Don't let the might, the Christian right, fuck it all up
For you and the rest of the world

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Roger Waters in concert

Oh what a show! What a show! Although I hesitated whether to buy a ticket or not because of the price, I can now declare that it was worth every penny. Roger played some really exceptional songs, both of Pink Floyd and of his own. I wasn't really familiar with his songs outside of Pink Floyd but I must admit that he really is a genius. The lyrics are intriguing making you reflect on our life (and how we/them are ruining it). One particular line struck me so hard that I cannot help not to mention it:

Oh George! Oh George!

Texas education must have fucked you up when you were very small

(from the song Leaving

A really good one Roger! The crowd could sense that because the atmosphere was marvellous...everybody singing

at the top of their voices, clapping and encouraging the band. And what about that come-back? The audience

shouted eagerly "we want more" and there were you with plenty of energy as never before. Those fireworks and

fiaccoli left us speechless indeed.

At one point the thing was turning political when cameras from NET TV projected on the big screens a shot

of Mr. Gonzi. But our answer was simple and clear because as soon as Roger asked us "Should I trust the

government?" , we heartedly answered "Nooooooooooooooooo!"

All in all, well done guys. It really rocked!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

World Cup Fever

For those who mumble that Italians are lucky and that's why they win: I hope that you enjoyed yesterday's game as much as I did. That's what I call lovely football!!Italy has made to the final because the players showed that they deserve it more than anybodyelse.

So put your hands up in the air and sing:

notti magiche
inseguendo un goal
sotto il cielo
di un'estate italiana

e negli occhi tuoi
vogila di vincere
un'avventura in piu`

Monday, June 26, 2006

Bye Bye Wales

Goodbye Wales!! I'm back to Malta, unfortunately. The holiday in Wales was superb. Picturesque scenery, friendly locals, good company...can I ask for more? Not really! The only accident to momentarily marr this beautiful experience was when at arriving at the doorstep of the farm I had booked days before, the owner told me she couldn't make it. I really got angry and fought (verbally of course) with this hell of a woman like I was fighting for my life. So much so, that my friends kept pulling my legs about the situation for hours. To cut a long story short, we managed to find a much nicer accommodation at a more reasonable price....everything happens for a reason they say.

There were also moments of great tension at times, result of being a large group. Some prefer this over that and so on, and sometimes these preferences tend to clash. All in all, I declare each penny spent for this holiday as totally worth it. A detailed program of the holiday together with some pictures will be posted later.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

When today is not your day


13.00pm: PC cannot be switched on. Windows failure or something. Have to buy either a new RAM or a motherboard :-s

15.00pm: cannot watch TV because it seems that satellite codes are being changed every split of a second

21.00pm: the so-longed-for Mongolian meal cannot take place because restaurant is fully booked

21.45pm: at the D'Amici Restaurant. I ordered veal in honey & mustard sauce. Fine, the menu looked good. Food is ready. First bite...the mustard sauce must have gotten lost at some point on the way because there was not the least hint of it on my plate. Cost: LM 5.25. Content: 2 pieces of veal the size of a chickpea, with no vegetables or potatoes. Ideal for: a 3 year old.

A side note on this restaurant: later we got to know that it specializes in Russian cuisine. Now, do you call a restaurant which has a pasta-pizza-grill menu & where you are greeted in French, Russian? Oh god, I think this sense of universalism & global - village thingy is becoming too much powerful, don't you think?

Monday, May 29, 2006

Tear - washed face

I love them. They love me. They are my parents. However, this love is strange. It clashes over and over again. It seems as if it is incompatible. These are the people who gave you life, who help you grow...the first people you get to know in this shit-loaded can it be that such a strong wall of separation grows between "you" and "them" ?

I admit that sometimes it is all my fault. I give them trouble, even to the extent that they end up arguing between them. I'm not perfect and I know it. But who is? I do not excuse myself though, I feel hatred for myself when I realize I had hurt them. After the death of my sis, they focused all their attention on their only other, and I don't blame them. It is for this reason that in such instances I try to do my best to alter this sad situation.

But it is after this attempt fails that I feel the most depressed. It is when I know I did nothing wrong and they turn against me nonetheless that I wish the earth to jerk apart and that I get buried somewhere deep down, so deep that I can never see the surface again. When things happen from a force outside of you there is nothing you can really do about it, and that is even more killing.

My roots are broken and I'm lost....and sad

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


For those with small kids or else for others who, like me, are ending up as babysitters:
here are some links to websites that I find useful to keep the brats busy.

Good Luck!!

Monday, May 22, 2006


This is the state of one who has returned to life and I'm happy to announce that that's how I feel. Exams are finally over and I'm free from studying, at least, till July. As planned, last weekend was fabulous . Eating by the sea at sunset on Friday, a night at the farmhouse on Saturday and a day swimming on Sunday...what else can I wish for? Okay, I must admit that Saturday was a bit marred by that shit-loaded of eurovision that the Maltese persist in taking so seriously, but anyways, I were expecting such a result. Since I now have plenty of free-time I am indulging myself, body and soul, into preparing an in-depth holiday plan for Wales. I am quite pleased with the work done so far.

It's good that A-levels come only once in your life!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Secret

I cannot help but share the secret of life, as analyzed by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in his book Le Petit Prince, with the rest of the world. The implication by the author is so true to life that one cannot but stop to reflect upon his or her life.

First he writes: " on ne voit bien qu'avec le c
œur " which literally translates to only the heart can see clearly. Saint-Exupéry suggests that the source of beauty is always something secret and invisible. Most often eyes miss what is important. People on earth lose sight of what they are looking for because they look with their eyes and not with their hearts. He criticises the mentality of humans regarding the fact that it seems as if they can never get enough. They buy 3 cars when a single one could serve them more than comfortably, they run around with more than one partner when they could find what they really want in a single person....the list is unfortunately never - ending.

Then he adds on: " c'est le temps que tu as perdu pour ta rose qui fait ta rose si importante " meaning the time spent on your rose is what makes your rose so important. People must discover the true meaning of things for themselves in order for those things to have value, otherwise we will never succeed in understanding the meaning of these things. It is the process of discovery which makes the results worthwhile. Objects, relationships and experiences are rewarding only if we invest time and effort in them.

But one should not stop at that. " Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivois
é " ---> a person is forever responsible for what she or he has tamed. One cannot abandon the values, the love, the meaning and attention that are transmitted to him/her by those who regard him /her as occupying a special role in their life. The lack of this feature is what very often leads to emotional breakdowns, melancholy and disappointment all over the world.

Drawback: tears are the pain you risk by being tamed because not each and every person puts the same amount of time and effort in what he or she has tamed.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

50 First Dates

Although the name might sound cheesy, this film was one of the best comedies that I assisted to lately. Not that I am a die-hard fan of comedies, but anyways! One of the main protagonists happens to be Adam Sandler and I don't know why but I have a soft-spot for this actor. The film is about the story of a guy who is afraid of commitments and as a result his type of relationships was always, but not invariably, a one-night stand. But this does not happen with Lucy, to whom he fell in love head over heels. What he did not know was that this girl suffered from short-term memory and she would not recognize him the very next day. He ends up having to win her over every single day! All in all, the movie has some really funny parts with some extremely hilarious personalities. The use of walruses and other sea creatures was also very enticing.
My rating: 3.5/5

Friday, May 12, 2006

Kemm nifilhu nixxidjottaw!!

'Nixxidjottaw' hija l-kelma li juza Francis Ebejer fid-dramm tieghu "Il-Hadd fuq il-Bejt" sabiex jirreferi ghall-attitudni ta' dawk il-Maltin li jwarrbu dak kollu li hu Malti waqt li jhaddnu valuri barranin. Bhalu nahsibha jiena. Bl-istess mod stupidu ta' kif ix-xadini jippruvaw jimitaw lin-nies, dawn il-Maltin jilaqghu kulturi (jekk tista' ssejhilhom hekk) barranin ghax minghalihom li tal-barrani kollox tajjeb.

L-istess tema nsibuha zvillupata fil-poezija "Incest-Notturnata lil Malta" ta' Mario Azzopardi. Il-poeta Malti li ghad fadallu d-demm jigri go gismu jistqarr kif quddiem dan il-pajjiz li tradixxa lill- valuri tieghu stess huwa jhossu mnezza' minn kull motivazzjoni. Azzopardi jzid juri bil-qawwa kollha kif din ic-cahda ta' gheruqna hija immorali daqs l-izvergnar ta' tifel jew tifla.

Nisthajjel li wiehed jistaqsi: mela ghalfejn, int, ma kontx minn ta' l-ewwel biex tiddedika dawn il-pagni tieghek bhala lok fejn jintuza l-Malti?
U jiena nwiegeb: hemm zewg ragunijiet ghal dan il-fatt.

L-ewwel wahda hi li fil-hajja ta' kuljum jiena nippratika hafna izjed il-Malti milli l-Ingliz u allura rajt dan il-blog bhala opportunita` fejn nista' nippratika u nesprimi ruhi bil-lingwa Ingliza. Apparti minn hekk, jiena m'hiniex kontra l-uzu tal-Ingliz anzi naghraf tajjeb il-bzonn tieghu fid-dinja moderna. Pero`, nemmen li wiehed ghandu jzomm bilanc u jaghmel uzu mill-kultura li trabba fiha qabel idur ghal dak li huwa esterjuri minnu. Min jahseb li billi jwarrab il-passat ta' pajjizu, ifisser li issa sar avvanzat jiddispjacini nghidlu izda huwa l-ikbar injorant li jista' jkun qed jghix fuq wicc id-dinja.

Kif tista' tkun qed tifhem lilek innifsek jekk qed titwarrab minn dawk il-karatteristici li int mibni bihom? Kemm se ndumu laqgha tal-barrani? Tul sekli shah bqajna l-istess; ningidmu u nergghu bhal cwiec immorru nitkarbu quddiem gnus ohra meta fir-realta` m'ghandniex ghalfejn. Ejjew ma ndardrux l-ghajn li qeghdin nixorbu minnha!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Spicy Orange Beef

Last weekend my bf came up with the idea of cooking something different for the whole family. He set eyes on a spicy orange sauce with beef and rice. I also gave my part by cooking the meat (where there is food be certain that I am somewhere in the middle!) Anyway, the end result was so good that I thought it is worth sharing.

ngredients: 2 tbsp vegetable oil, 1 pound round steak cut into thin strips, 1/4 cup orange peel cut into slivers, 1 clove garlic- minced, 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, 1 cup beef broth, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1/4 cup sherry, 1/4 cup orange marmalade, 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes


In a wok, heat oil over medium high-heat. Add beed strips 1/3 at a time. Stir fry for 3 minutes or until browned, removing the done pieces to a plate lined with paper towels.
Return all the beed to the wok. Stir in orange peel, garlic, and ginger; stir-fry 1 minute.
In a medium bowl, combine cornstarch, broth, soy sauce, sherry, marmalade, and red pepper. Pour this mixture into the beed, stirring constantly. Bring to boil over medium heat and cook for 1 minute. Serve hot.

Prep Time
: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 15 Minutes
Ready In: 30 Minutes
Servings: 4

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Oakwood Theme Park

It is quite rare that I take a look at the newspapers in the morning. However this morning was different and I can't help but thank Lady Fortune for this one. While browsing through a local paper at 200km/s, a small article caught my attention. It had to do with fun parks and roller coasters in Europe. And guess what? The roller-coaster in Oakwood theme park in Wales, better known as Megafobia, which we will be visiting next June ranks 4th in the top 10!! This wooden roller-coaster is also referred to as the 8th wonder of Wales by some travel journalists.

So fasten you seat-belts and here we gooooOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Karl Marx

While studying Sociology these last few days I happen to come across some quotations by Karl Marx that I believe are worth a thought:

  • "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of the class struggle"
  • "Man makes his own history"
  • "Man makes religion, religion does not make man"
  • "The more man puts into God, the more he retains from himself"
  • "Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains. You have a world to win."
After aprroximately 2 centuries these theories have always remained very truthful to social reality.
Wearing badges is not enough! Wake up for the revolution!!!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I can feel it

Yes, I can feel it in my bones that stress from exams is taking over once again. The first hint was yesterday night when at a not- so- good news, I immediately dropped gloomy and grumpy while knowing very well that the other person has no control over the situation. As a consequence, this person also fell silent and it is exactly at that point in time when I realized my mistake. I tried to alter my behaviour as soon as possible but I was afraid it might be too late.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The big day

The birthday festivities continued yesterday. Apart a very busy morning studying Sociology, the evening was again splendid. To celebrate the evening my bf took me to a Lebanese restaurant and I must say that I liked it a lot there. Altough the setting was not that typical the food was mouth-watering. I ate so much that against my expectation I hadn't any room left for dessert. I assume that my assistant-planner-boyfriend will call that "bad planning!" I am happy to announce that I was again the target of a bunch of presents. These new ones from the part of my bf had to do with camping, travelling and hiking stuff and which, I am sure, will prove useful in the coming June.
This is the backpack "Walkabout 45" from Lowe Alpine

And these are the quick-dry and light-weight towels from Gelert

Monday, May 01, 2006

Surprise Birthday Party!!

I never experienced a big a surprise as this one. An odd thing is that I didn't even suspect anything! Well I have an excuse for this one since my mind was focused on exams and I didn't feel like birthday was coming. Later I got to know that the person behind the planning was my assistant- planner-boyfriend (what a coincidence!!) As soon as we arrived at this typical Maltese wine bar I immediately noticed a table rounded with our friends (all of them) including my cousin. It was only then that I noticed that they might be there for me. Up to this point I haven't even noticed the balloons and the streamers that the barman very kindly had put up for the occasion. Actually, one of my friends had to remark that for me lol. While I was struggling to open my first presents another bunch of people arrived and these were my friends from college! I never ever dreamt that this might be possible!! Having said that, I did ask my bf about some curious calls and messages that he received but I didn't want to question him up to the point that he feels that I'm not trusting him as it comes to our relationship and stuff.

As it regards cards and gifts I really can't complain!! Here is the list:
  1. Fun light bulb
  2. Bubble bath from Gadjet
  3. Xdye vest
  4. Miss Sixty body cream
  5. Accesorize necklace
  6. Bag from Things
  7. Another bag from Accesorize
I also have plenty of cards which will only be replaced when the next birthday comes. I really love cards!! One of them is really particular and reads something like this: "Women who think that they are equal to men lack ambition". (This is because I'm kind of a femminist.) Well I cannot but pass a comment of self-defence on this one. I do not think that women are equal to men. Actually, I believe that we are superior! Now, tell me who is it here that lacks ambition?!

All in all the atmosphere was great and although my college friends are not exactly the same type as my other friends everyone managed to integrate well. The good thing is that apart from munching on food (one of my favourite hobbies) and drinking, we also assisted to 2 films; Taking lives and House of Wax. Now comes the kinky bit of the story. As soon as the films finished, a blue film was showing on tv!! It took the barman quite long to realize what was happening and therefore we succeeded in viewing some clit playing and blowjobs as well. However, as the scene was passing to hardcore the barman switched the channel, no matter my insistence that now I turned adult lol.

Later I learnt that more ppl were invited but couldn't make it because of work and transport related problems. I appreciate tha attempt though and I thank from the bottom of my heart my bf and those other special people who made this birthday a one to remember!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

By the way

Just a side note: when you buy tuna dip from the cinema make sure that you get rid of the top lid before the lights are out, just in case you put it inside your bag by mistake while it is still full of tuna spread. Well, of course, I know about every stark detail of the consequences because this actually happened to me two days ago. Getting out your money to pay at some cash point with your purse smelling of fish is not one of the best feelings in the world!! From the optimistic point of view, the tuna and crackers pack was delicious. That makes the experience worth it!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Memoirs of a Geisha

Memoirs of a Geisha is a film of beauty. Beauty of landscapes, beauty of ideology, beauty of actors (except the sumo wrestlers of course! lol), anyway, beauty in all its forms. Altough rated only 6.8 on IMDb, I consider this movie one of the best that I have seen recently. It tells the story of a young poor girl who had to be separated from her family due to their miserable financial condition. The girl ends up in a Geisha school. These Japanese women are trained from childhood in conversation, dancing, and singing in order to entertain professional or social gatherings of men. This work did not carry with it the negative connotation as prostitution does in Europe and other countries. The work was considered as a privilegious one and above all, from various incidents during the film, the viewer gets to know that this is not about sex as Mother told Chiyo: "We do not sell flesh". As a little girl, Chiyo encountered a man who had bought her sweets and whom she loved for the rest of her life. She made it a point to meet him one day but destiny marred her plans by people who constantly corrupted her due to her innocence. However, after a whole sequence of breathtaking scenery she manages to at least have him in the end. Despite the fact that it is categorized under the genre of "Drama & Romance" and despite the happy ending this film is not the usual type of love story and certainly is suitable to any audience; male or female.

Monday, April 24, 2006

All is well that ends well

That's how the saying goes and I dare add that that's a fact. Life seems clearer now. Most of the personal problems are now over and I can therefore fully concentrate on more important things (i.e. exams). I have 4 of them this week. But I'm happy that they are near because that means that they will soon be a thing of the past. Also, I had a great weekend with boyfriend, family and friends. I can't ask for more. Moreover, my birthday is approaching bringing along with it dinners, cards and presents! I hardly can wait!! To put the cherry on the cake, our friend from Ireland confirmed that he will join us on the last weekend of our holiday in Wales. If I'm reckoning right, that will be the time when we're in Pembrokeshire including a day spent at the fun fair. I've no doubt that we're going to take those last 2 words as literally as we could. Voila` tout le monde raisonnable!!

Friday, April 21, 2006


This is a bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past. It is also what I'm feeling lately when I'm studying. Flashbacks of what was happening in class or in my personal life keep getting at me with each page I turn. Not once or twice did I catch myself smiling sheepishly at the papers in front of me or else I feel the tears trickling down my face. I admit that the 2 years at Junior College were not the best school years I ever had. But when they are over and you realize that another chapter from your life is closed it's inevitable not to have such a sensation. I'm very sensitive these days. However, I always was the type of person that lives with memories from the past. I don't know, but they kind of make you feel more secure and give you courage and prosperity for the future. At the end of the day, it is a fact that you can escape reality by thinking of the past or of the future but you cannot escape your past because what is done is done and there is no turning back. Doing this too often might become dangerous I believe. I personally whish I was not so nostalgic. Sometimes I tend to compare present situations with past ones which is not always sensible since each experience is a new one and you have to live it as it is. So watch your balance please, Ms. Go Bananas!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

This is the real thing now!

No more mock tests, assessments and things of the sort. It is the real thing now! The big day has come. Tomorrow I will have my French Oral exam. Since French is my forte I consider myself lucky of having an "easy" start. The exam needs preparation nonetheless because part of it deals with culture. But I'm sure I'll do well in this one. The worst has yet to come.

I received my last Academic Report and assessments from school. I didn't do bad at all with the result being as follows:
  • English - 7
  • French - 8
  • Maltese - 6 (I know I deserve better in this subject and I revised the paper. I actually had one spelling mistake and some of the corrections by the teacher were wrong! Can you imagine that?)
  • Sociology - 6 (Man I'm starting to hate this subject. Regardless of any attempt at improving I always keep getting this same mark. But perhaps this is what I merit)
  • Environmental Science - 8
Anyway, this is all bullshit. At least, as far as English is concerned. For the last 2 years I haven't scored a mark below 6. However, in my annuals I only passed with 2 marks. This is the system here, you do well in tests and assignments but you fail in exams (as if!!) There are 2 possible solutions to this pathetic situation:
  1. Teachers have been incompetent for the whole 2 years
  2. Sense of fairness is a mystery for the board of examiners.
For the sake of practicality, I tend to lean towards the latter. I'm certain I'll have more to comment about this when the results are out. For the time being I rely on hope!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Life at the moment

I can't say that I'm really living at the moment. It's more a sort of a routine-based existence. This is the third consecutive day dedicated from 8.30am to 7.00pm to studying. The only variety is what to study, yes a very inviting choice indeed! This type of existence has to continue till the 18th of May, that is the date when I'll finish my exams and that is almost a month from now. A month!! A month like this!! But then again, that is not enough. Other personal problems and stuff surface just in times like these when your moral is already rock bottom. However, I have those special persons in my life which make my life worth living for. They are there, ALWAYS, even when they are going through bad times themselves. These people I thank from the bottom of my heart and I will love you and cherish you for the rest of time!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Camping Adventure

It has been agreed that most, or at least, part of our holiday will be dedicated to camping with all its activities. We have been very busy preparing ourselves with camping equipment. For instance, the picture shows the first tent that my boyfriend and I can call ours, since we usually lend one from our friends when we camp locally. But we decided now that it is only appropriate to buy ourselves one and only God knows what will happen inside that tent ;-) Other gadgets bought were sleeping bags, towels, raincoats, torches etc etc. However I realized that I may have one problem when it comes to packing. My sleeping bag is not very compressible and it will take most of my luggage bag. Moreover, we're limited with the space in the rented mini-van so we cannot afford a lot of huge bulky bags. As a result, after considering many options, I concluded that I have to change the jeans trrousers that I usually wear when travelling with other light casual trousers which I'm in lack of. It's not so bad on second thought since this will mean more clothes in my wardrobe :)

Our journey by map

This is how our journey will look like virtually (and obviously approximately). My interpretation is based on the towns and places to visit and not the actual routes since we haven't figured that out yet. Click on the image for a larger view.

Monday, April 17, 2006

It just happens

It just happens to me that I say something while I actually mean another. Sometimes this may be harmless but at times it can become very awkward. This was the case yesterday when I realized that one of my friends was offended by something I had said. It was just a matter of how to position words in a sentence but when speaking one tends to attach less importance to thinking no matter how much one repeats to oneself to THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK . However, I was really disturbed by the situation that I fell silent for the rest of the night. Shit happens!!

Wales - Holiday Plan

This is the plan we came up with this weekend. It is still open to alterations but it seems very plausible. The list goes as follows:
  1. first day to discover Llandudno and Colwyn Bay: 8th June
  2. 2 days on the isle of Anglesey: 9-10th June
  3. 4 days in Snowdonia National Park: 11-14th June
  4. 3 days travelling to and exploring Pembrokeshire (including Oakwood Fun Fair): 15-17th June
  5. a day in Llangollen for some water sport: 18th June
  6. a day saved for shopping in Manchester: 19th June

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Night at the Farm

We spent Good Friday's night around a table drinking wine, munching some food and discussing any topic that comes our way. On top of the agenda was the planning of our holiday in Wales the coming June. Only 2 months are left and until Friday we didn't even have a clue on where to visit and what to do. This might be an adventure in itself but since one of our friend's will join us from Ireland we have to give him our schedule so that he matches it with his. Some of us took this planning seriously, so seriously that they wrote in such a hurried and anxious way that only they themselves could have read what was written :P Anyways, I still have to get my copy of the plan which will be posted later. For anyone from and around Wales or those who have any experience of travelling there, I'll be very glad if you'll post your comments on any help or suggestions

Friday, April 14, 2006

Celebrating Good Friday's Eve

We celebrate Good Friday today in my country. The day before people visit 7 different churches as the tradition goes. Since my friends and I are not very religious we decided to celebrate the day, or rather the night, in our own style. One of our friends came up with the idea that instead of visiting 7 churches we should drink 7 different alcoholic drinks before finally settling on a particular one for the whole night. We started with white wine and passed on to shooters and you know the mixture there. Even the barman passed a comment on how much brave and courageous we must be in order to embark on such an adventure !! I was supposed to dedicate this morning to studying but with all this bubbling and all in my stomach I'm not sure I'll succeed. I'm opting for French Grammar to day because I don't find it as very intensive. Tonight we're sleeping over at my bf's farmhouse with our friends, I'm very looking forward for it!!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

welcoming myself to blogs!!

I'm so pissed off from studying for my A-levels that I needed something to alienate myself in. I considered no better option than to start my adventure with blogging. I was tempted by the idea after almost a month reading blogs from a friend and I must admit I wait eagerly for his next post. I'm just experimenting for the time being so don't expect anything special right now.I'm liking the idea though :)